Obtaining IP protection

We help you in the preparation, filing, and licensing of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other protective vehicles for your intellectual property

Advising and Consulting

We work as advisors and consultants regarding your intellectual property, risks of infringement, licensing, and other matters involving your already protected intellectual property or the intellectual property of others.


Litigation and Infringement

We represent entities in litigation both enforcing copyright, patent, and trademark as well as defend entities being sued for infringement in federal court.


Free and paid consultations available

We offer both free and paid consultations.  We offer a free thirty minute phone consultation regarding services.  For privilege and confidentiality purposes we must retained before providing any legal advice, but we do offer limited representation in the form of paid consultations at our standard hourly rate.

We own intellectual property too

Which is why we personally understand the frustrations that come with the application process and enforcement.  We work hard to make sure the process is no more complicated or time intensive than is absolutely necessary, especially for individuals and small businesses.


Next Steps...

Questions about your individual intellectual property needs?  Contact our office Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:30pm